We are home now which is wonderful. Except the fact, I have a million in one things to do and no time to do them in!
I still have no answers as to why Cache was so sick. When we left the hospital Sunday they had no answers for us. They thought he had e-coli, but all the test today came back clear. When we followed up with my pediatrician today she told me that she did not feel that a few days of diarrhea and 1 day of throwing up would make him that sick and that dehydrated. I would really have to agree. Cache got really sick really fast, I mean in the matter of hours. He was just eating and drinking the day prior. It seemed to have her stumped, but still wants us to follow-up with a GI doctor, which I wanted to do anyway. Cache has always had a sensitive tummy and it would just put my mind at ease to have him checked for the bloody stools. Cache was still really anemic when we left the hospital so they want him on a iron supplement. Today his leaves were up and the doctor feels that they will get back to normal, but we need to follow up in a few weeks to make sure.
When I left the doctors office I started to have low blood sugar. Something we all have and I never think twice about it. I just eat and I am better. That is when I remembered that when we first moved back to Utah, I was diagnosed with borderline Addisons disease. I never thought much about it, until now. An Addisons crisis can cause some major changes to the body, much like Cache had, and make you very sick very fast. So I called the doctor back on our way home. She feels that may very well be a possibility. Tomorrow morning we our going to have more blood work and see if my random thoughts could be right. As much as I hope not, I sure want some answers. I want to know why my little guy got so sick, so fast. It scares me, I was very lucky we made it to the hospital when we did.
Monday, December 6, 2010
Still Nothing
Posted by Melissa at 5:52 PM 0 comments
Friday, December 3, 2010
Cache Update
Late on Wednesday Cache came home from school with a fever, which soon lead to diarrhea. Yesterday he still had a fever and diarrhea, but he was still eating and drinking fine. Late last night he started to have bloody diarrhea. When we woke up this morning he started to vomit and still had bloody diarrhea. I started to get concerned so we went to the Riverton ER. On our way I could tell he was progressively getting worse and that his sugars were getting low.
When we arrived, I told the triage nurse he has seizures from low blood sugar and she said after the vitals we will get it checked. We get into a room and his doctor and 2 nurses came in. Again I told them he has hypoglycemic seizures and I am worried about him. They say ok and attempt to start an IV. At this point I am thinking it is to hang dextrose on him. Well they cant get a line but get enough to draw blood. They then proceed to try to find a line. I ask again,
"Can he have a soda?"
"No, the doctor wants to wait to see what we find out."
"The blood you drew, did you get a glucose on it?"
"Yeah but we won't get it back for a little bit."
"OK, I know getting a line is important, but, see how he is getting sweaty and cold? See how he is not fighting you now and he is falling asleep? He is about to seize on you and I promise it is not pretty. And seeing as you can't get a line right now and you are going to have to use a bone marrow line if you don't hurry!"
"He drops that fast? OK I will go get it"
So guess what his sugar was???? 36! No, he did not seize, thanks to me, but he got a soda in him barley! Yes people, I know what I am talking about! I am not some dumb mom, I am pretty "seasoned" to say the least. What was his sugar when they drew the first time...46. So it dropped 10 points in less then 30 minutes.
So what wrong with him? They don't know why he has bloody diarrhea yet with his fever. They are working on that. They do know that he is severely dehydrated and his electrolytes are all messed up. His sugars are up and down but not dropping really low. So they admitted to Primary Childrens for awhile. Or at least until they can get him back to normal. We must be past due for our visit here. He seems to be doing better, but he blood work is still not normal. He is however bossing myself and his nurse around very well. He is defiantly keeping her on her toes! Let's hope for home tomorrow, but expect the worse. The only way I know how to get threw it!
Posted by Melissa at 10:20 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
November 16, 2010
Steady income, a roof over our heads, and food on our table... Sounds like common sense, right? Well today was a little special for me. I was on my daily grind of running around town trying to get things done. I was tired and just wanted to be home getting house work done. That is when I saw something that I have seem many times. This one, some how, pulled at my heart strings. I was getting off the freeway, and the light had just turned green so traffic was moving. I was in the far lane when I saw him. There stood a man holding a sign that read, "Out of work, desperate, I have kids." Although his sign would make any mother sad, it wasn't the sign that got to me. It was the way he was standing there, the way his head was hung, and the shame on his face. He didn't want to be there holding that sign. It brought tears to my eyes as I drove away. There was something in me that wanted to turn around and give this guy some money and tell him things would get better. I never give money to people on the side of the road and I am not sure why this man touched me so much. I didn't have cash, so I decided I was going to go to the store and get some. By the time I got back on the freeway and off the exit again, he was gone. I felt horrible that I never got the chance to help. Yes, maybe he would have just bought his next fix, a pack of cigarettes, or a bottle of vodka, but I was willing to give him that chance. Because it may have meant that he made his rent, or bought some milk, diapers, or a loaf of bread. So today I am grateful to the man holding the sign who reminded how fortunate I am, and that I do not have to see my kids go without.
Posted by Melissa at 7:48 PM 0 comments
Monday, November 15, 2010
November 15, 2010
My 7 minutes of quite in the tanning bed and Eric's car FINALLY passed inspection...It may have only been 7 minutes, but it was the best 7 minuets today! It has been one of those days. Also in addition to my 7 minutes, Eric's new, but used, car finally passed inspection. We have learned lots of things about this car, but I think we finally got everything fixed and running awesome. It really is a sweet car, but it is expensive.
Posted by Melissa at 8:53 PM 0 comments
Sunday, November 14, 2010
November 14, 2010
Are you sick of reading these yet?
Lazy days... I did nothing all day. Took a shower late and got nothing accomplished. I have a love hate relationship with these days. I love to do nothing but hate the feeling of getting nothing done. I figure there is always tomorrow!
Posted by Melissa at 9:17 PM 0 comments
A little catch up...
November 12, 2010
A strong marriage... I am so very grateful I found my soul mate. Eric and I make a wonderful team. Sure we have our ups and downs, but overall we make things work and have fun doing it. My kids will always grow up with both parents in the home and always know we are on the same team. I never want my children to have to experience that. I can't imagine a day without them, and it would be so hard on me not see their smiling faces everyday. This is such a rare thing these days, but I am pretty confidante that Eric and I are life long partners. We are not quitters and we have made it through some already tuff times and I can't see anything breaking us now. I am not saying it will always be easy for us, but I know both of us are willing to try. Love ya Babe!
November 13, 2010
Spending time with the parents... Even if it is just watching my Utes loose, it is still a great time. My kids absolutely love my parents and they enjoy every time they come around. This is irreplaceable time.
Posted by Melissa at 8:55 AM 0 comments
Thursday, November 11, 2010
November 11, 2010
Veterans...Of course, it is Veteran's Day! It goes along with my freedom post, I am grateful for those who served and are serving. They have given so selfishly to protect the freedoms we have everyday. I am grateful for their family's who have also give selfishly. Mommy's and Daddy's raising their children alone while their loved one is away at war. That is a true hero. Those family's are amazing to me. I could never be that strong. I have a dear life long friend that is an Officer in the Army. If you would have asked me 10+ years ago, that she would be in the Army, an Officer, and one of top ranking women, I would have laughed at you. She has made me so proud to call her my friend. She will probably never read this because she is way too busy to read my blog! But I want you all to know that she has overcome many things in her life and is now doing something far more then I would have expected. Giving her life for others, protecting our freedoms, and being one of my role models. If you do read this, dear friend, I love you and very proud of you! xoxo
Posted by Melissa at 8:07 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
November 10, 2010
My baby girl...My life can now be full of sassy girl things. I love my boys and they are, at times, much easier then my little Princess. I always wanted a little girl and was so sad when I found out we were having another boy. Eric kept on telling me Miller's did not have girls, because that is what his father told him. Much to my surprise God knew what he was doing! I needed my boys, I needed to have Cache first. He needed to save all our lives, and then he would give me the little girl I always wanted. It is amazing how God works that way. So now my day can be full of getting my hair done, dressing Barbies, holding babies, and dance class. I love it! She is so dramatic at times I want to scream and laugh at the same time. Girls and boys are so different, but they each have their special qualities. I am grateful to get the chance to raise both!
Posted by Melissa at 9:20 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
November 9, 2010
Yes, I got lazy and decided to abbreviate!
Life... It is so short! It seems like I have been told this my whole life. Not just now, not just as an adult, but since I was a child, teen, and now. Maybe God was preparing me for my future. I hope he now knows, that I do not need anymore reminders. I truly love life. I love the people in my life. I have so many things that I am grateful for in my life. I am surrounded by a wonderful husband and amazing kids that all make me a better person. I have wonderful parents, in-laws, sisters, brothers, nieces, nephews, aunts, uncles, cousins and friends. Every single one have you has contributed to the person I am today. You have made my life complete and brought joy and memories that I will cherish forever. I wish I had a chance to tell each of you how much you mean to me and the qualities I truly love about each of you. That would be an awful long post, so please, you know who you are! I am sure I don't say it nearly enough, but thank you and I love you! Thank you God for giving me life and the wonderful people in it!
Posted by Melissa at 8:08 PM 0 comments
Monday, November 8, 2010
A Month of Being Thankful
November 8, 2010
Medicine...It has been a long day for our family today. Today my father started his chemo today. I haven't yet blogged about my father and his cancer yet. A little over a month ago my father was diagnosed with stage 3 esophageal cancer. I really did not know how to even start. I have really tried to stay positive so I figured blogging about would show some un-positive emotions. I didn't want that and still don't. So I will try to remain positive and keep talking about all the things I am grateful for. While he was receiving the medication to save his life, he had a heart attack. The most positive thing was that he was in a hospital. They were able to control it, and prevent anything fatal from happening. Unfortunately this has put a hold on his chemo. His heart will now take precedence over the cancer. I hope it turns up nothing and he can go back to receiving his chemo. We have long road ahead of us and I am not sure what that road looks like.
Posted by Melissa at 7:45 PM 2 comments
Sunday, November 7, 2010
A Month of Being Thankful
November 7,2010
Firefighters... I have called them a few times in my life, but always for medical reasons. Today we got to call them because we smelled something burning and could not find what it was. Neither did they. So we will wait out the night and see if it goes away. Glad they came, but I wish they had some answers. I don't think I will be sleeping much tonight.
Posted by Melissa at 8:03 PM 0 comments
Saturday, November 6, 2010
A Month to be Thankful for
November 6, 2010
Hubby and Family Time... I got to spend the morning with the Hubby and I. Time we don't get very often. Then later tonight we took the kids to a movie in their PJ's. It was a good day, besides the U of U getting their butts handed to them.
Posted by Melissa at 9:58 PM 0 comments
Friday, November 5, 2010
A Month of Being Thankful
November 5, 2010
My Hubby... For many reasons, but today he is going to watch the kids while I go out for some girl time with my sister-in-law. Dinner and the spa!!! :) Thanks Babe, I love you bunches!
Posted by Melissa at 6:52 AM 0 comments
Thursday, November 4, 2010
A Month for Being Thankful
A friend of mine had started this, and I thought it was a wonderful idea. For the month of November, I will post everyday, what I am most grateful for and why. This will be a wonderful way to blog and enjoy the true spirit of November. So to make up for the days I missed...
November 1st, 2010
Facebook... Yes laugh it up! But we have had some pretty great things come from Facebook. I get to communicate with our extended family more, which I never had the opportunity to do. I get to know what is gong on in their lives, where as before, it would be play catch up when we got the chance. It has also given my family the opertunity to get to know some family members of Eric's that he had lost contact with. Sunday, we got to spend time with them and enjoy the company of some really great people that I am a glad to have in my life now.
November 2nd, 2010
Freedom... Today we all had the choice to vote. I took advantage of my freedoms and performed my civic duties. I wish more people would take advantage of their freedoms and voice who they would like to run our government. Never forget the men and women who had and are fighting so tirelessly for our freedoms we all enjoy.
November 3rd, 2010
My nap... It's the little things that count, right? I should probably come up with something better, but it was great. I never take naps, but I really needed one yesterday.
November 4th, 2010
Heath Care Technology... Today I watched a video of a man who suffered a cardiac arrest on a soccer field. He was saved by the EMT's and it was very heart wrenching for me. I have been told that I may never see Mason and Dylann have a cardiac arrest as long as they stayed controlled on medication. They could not, however, give me a guarantee for Cache. The comfort of him having his ICD for me is amazing. I know that if it does happen, and I can not be there, his little mechanical heart will kick in and save his life.
Posted by Melissa at 7:15 AM 0 comments
Thursday, October 28, 2010
I promise...
To never blog in the morning, put in my contacts, and reread my posts....Dang the last one was horrible. I hate when I post stuff that is sooooo boring to read.
Posted by Melissa at 6:49 PM 0 comments
Monday, October 18, 2010
Reminder Of So Many Things...
A few lessons learned this weekend....
Family is so important and is the MOST important thing to me
Life is short
Life is fragile
Be grateful for all things
And the biggest lesson learned...
Wear your seat belts.
Overall, it really was a great weekend. We have so many thing to be grateful for this weekend. Not that I needed any more reminders of how fragile and short life is.
This Friday we went up to my sister-in-law, Starla's, cabin with their family. We ate some yummy food and just hung out and talked. Eric's brother, Doug and his wife Lori, also joined us for a little while. Later, Eric and I had fun playing Peanut with York and Sebastian, and for some odd reason we lost?
The next morning Eric, myself, and the little kids took a drive. We saw a mamma moose and her baby. It was such a great way to start a morning. When we returned to the cabin, everyone ate breakfast and we headed up the canyon on the 4-wheelers. We were going to play with the air soft guns and shoot the shot gun. I have to say I love the air soft guns and I think we will be getting some.
My kids enjoyed shooting them and hitting the cups over. I think the best part was when Starla told Eric to run so she could shoot him and try out the new automatic air gun. The funny part was that he did actually run.
He now has 3 welts on his back. We did have one more accident when Cache put his hand in front of the air soft gun and Eric did not know and took a shot.He has a little hole in his hand it is a little bruised. Uncle/Dr. Scott fixed him up good and was perfectly fine once the bandage was on.
We soon brought out the big shotgun. This was my first time shooting a gun. I am not a huge fan of guns, but I have to admit, it was fun. Mason also had a chance to shoot his first gun as well.
The boys all did great and hit their pigeons and cups. I did not do so well, but that is ok, maybe next time. When we got back the little ones all took turns riding the horses.
That is when the chaos began...
The 3 teenage boys, York, Brandon, and Sebastian, went down the road to get some gas for the 4-wheelers. This is where the reminder that life is fragile and short. As we were all sitting outside watching the kids ride the horses, Starla received a call from Sebastian. He had said that they had gotten into a wreck and they needed us to come over. The cell phone had bad reception and it kept cutting out. I told Strala I would go with her. We defiantly had a different image of what we thought we would see and what we did see. We thoughtit was going to be a little fender bender. When we pulled up we saw something much worse. Something, at the time, I could not even process. I saw a truck flipped over, but I just could not get a handle on the fact it was their truck. We had almost ran into the down electrical wire. There where so many fire trucks, cops, and ambulances that my mind was trying really hard to process what had happened. I saw Sebastian, York, and their 2 dogs, Bear and Romeo, but we didn't see Brandon. He was in the ambulance getting checked out. He was fine; they all were. From there, things just seemed to happen fast. Everyone who saw said they where all lucky to be alive. They were alive for one reason and one reason alone, SEAT BELTS.
Before they had left the driveway, Brandon told the other 2 boys one thing, "Put on your seat belts or my mom will kill me!" I bet he never knew those words would save his life, his brother's life, and his cousin's life. It takes a lot for a teenager to listen to their mom and also tell their peers to do it. I can't tell you how grateful and proud I am of him. He may have been driving that day, but he saved 3 lives by doing one simple thing. Listening to his mom! We really do know what we are talking about. The accident was not his fault.
It was on a road, where in my opinion, the speed limit is too high. He was going under the speed limit from what the by standards had said. There was a curve where the road forks and in the middle of the fork, is gravel. Some of the gravel had made its way onto the road. When he hit the gravel he fish tailed. He over corrected and hit the electrical pole which sent them flipping. It was just an accident. He was not doing anything wrong, his eyes were on the road, and he was paying attention. Brandon had said that once he hit the pole they all kind of blacked out and thought they where dead. The other 2 boys said that, in the truck, Brandon took control when they came to and acted like an adult.
Asked if they were ok, and told them they needed to get out because the car was full of smoke. Brandon kicked out the first window got out, helped his brother out, and then York had to kick out his window to get out. They all walked away alive. It was a miracle and I truly believe this was from Brandon telling the boys to wear seat belts and God. There is no other reason for it. I am forever grateful to have them all alive. We are very blessed.
I have not known Brandon and Sebastian long, but I have had an instant love for them. They are my nephews and I would have been devastated to had anything happened to any of them. I am so grateful to have them and their family in our lives. All 3 of them will forever share a bond that will never be forgotten. I will always be grateful for Brandon and his courage to listen to his mother. They are such a wonderful family and I am so happy that we have had a chance to get to know them and I look forward to the wonderful more memories we will create together.
Posted by Melissa at 7:39 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Long QT Syndrome
Well, after many fights, with many insurance companies, we finally got our genetic testing completed. First, Eric came out negative. We were a little surprised, because this means Cache's second gene was spontaneously mutated upon conception. What are the chances? VERY slim! I obviously came back positive for Long QT1 as well as Mason and Dylann. So we all take our Nadolol together. I have to say that is the crappiest medication. It makes you completely exhausted! Mason has gained 10 pounds in 8 months from taking it. The poor kids now has to go on a diet. I guess we should all be thankful we are alive. It seems to be just the norm to our crazy life!
Posted by Melissa at 8:43 AM 1 comments