This morning I woke up to a little surprise. Mason made me breakfast in bed all by himself! This consisted of a bowl of his favorite cereal Cheerios. It was so cute, I just had to blog about it. I need to get caught up but this couldn't wait. Apparently he had asked his dad last night if they could make me breakfast but Eric told him he had work so not tomorrow. I guess he figured he could do it on his own. He always helps me in the morning and gets his sister a bowl. He is such a sweet kid. I love him so much. He does not have a mean bone in his little body. He loves everyone and loves to play. He is getting older and it is so nice. He is so cute, handsome, and just a great little boy. Thanks Mason for making such a gloomy day great! I love you Pumpkin!
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Friday, November 7, 2008
Not For The Non-Humorus
This is the warning! If you can't take a joke don't read this! Especially if you are a strong Republican! I am not responsible for anything you may find offensive, because you decided to read it!
Dear Red States:
If you manage to steal this election, too, we've decided we're leaving. We intend to form our own country, and we're taking the other Blue States with us. In case you aren't aware, that includes California , Hawaii , Oregon , Washington , Minnesota , Wisconsin , Michigan , Illinois and all the Northeast. We believe this split will be beneficial to the nation, and especially to the people of the new country of New California.To sum up briefly: You get Texas , Oklahoma and all the slave states. We get stem cell research and the best beaches. We get the Statue of Liberty. You get Dollywood.We get Intel and Microsoft. You get WorldCom.We get Harvard. You get Ole' Miss.We get 85% of America 's venture capital and entrepreneurs. You get Alabama .We get two-thirds of the tax revenue, you get to make the red states pay their fair share.Since our aggregate divorce rate is 22% lower than the Christian Coalition's, we get a bunch of happy families. You get a bunch of single moms.Please be aware that Nuevo California will be pro-choice and anti-war, and we're going to want all our citizens back from Iraq at once. If you need people to fight, ask your evangelicals. They have kids they're apparently willing to send to their deaths for no purpose, and they don't care if you don't show pictures of their children's caskets coming home. We do wish you success in Iraq , and hope that the WMDs turn up, but we're not willing to spend our resources in Bush's Quagmire.With the Blue States in hand, we will have firm control of 80% of the country's fresh water, more than 90% of the pineapple and lettuce, 92% of the nation's fresh fruit, 95% of America's quality wines, 90% of all cheese, 90% of the high tech industry, 95% of the corn and soybeans (thanks Iowa!), most of the U.S. low-sulfur coal, all living redwoods, sequoias and condors, all the Ivy and Seven Sister schools plus Stanford, Cal Tech, UCLA, Berkeley and MIT.With the Red States, on the other hand, you will have to cope with 88% of all obese Americans (and their projected health care costs), 92% of all U.S. mosquitoes, nearly 100% of the tornadoes, 90% of the hurricanes, 99% of all Southern Baptists, virtually 100% of all televangelists, Rush Limbaugh, Bob Jones University, Clemson and the University of Georgia.We get Hollywood and Yosemite , thank you.Additionally, 38% of those in the Red states believe Jonah was actually swallowed by a whale, 62% believe life is sacred unless we're discussing the war, the death penalty or gun laws, 44% say that evolution is only a theory, 53% that Saddam was involved in 9/11 and 61% of you crazy bastards believe you are people with higher morals then we lefties.Finally, we're taking the good pot, too. You can have that dirt weed they grow in Mexico.
Peace out,--Blue States
I love a little humor to all the seriousness!
Posted by Melissa at 4:27 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Quick Update!
We are now battling an infection! His stomach incison has an infection! Hopfully we can get it covered. If not... the out look is bad! He is on antibiotics and we go back on Wednesday. Maybe someday I will blog about something happy and funny. I miss my humor.
On a side note... GO VOTE! I did!
Posted by Melissa at 7:28 AM 0 comments
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Were Home!
My first night home! I am happy!
Yes we are home and all is well! As most of you know we did get bumped on Tuesday and rescheduled to Wednesday. I had to be understanding because the doctor had to do a heart transplant. If I were at work I would have been drawing up all the medications up for this, which is a daunting task and you don't want to be the one on shift when you get one! As I put it, the haunt me at work and at home! We left the hospital on Friday, much to my discouragement! Cache did excellent during his surgery. I am amazed at how great things went.
Look! I will show you!
We had an awesome surgeon, Dr. Kaza. At first, I was a little weary of him because everyone in the pharmacy told me to have Dr. Hawkins do it. When I met him finally on Wednesday, my worries were gone. He explained the surgery and how he did not have to crack his chest because he has studied a new method of doing this through the left side. He did name drop which I didn't mind seeing as he was taking my son into surgery in an hour! He attended Harvard Med school and practiced at Boston Children's and this is where they did this new practice of putting in ICD's. They would use a scope and collapse the left lung. I don't really know why this sounded better then cracking the chest but it did! Then they would put the leads in through that small incision in the left side. They would reopen the belly and place the ICD in. It sounded great to us! Especially when he said less recovery time!
They did inform us half way through that they were done with the leads although they could not use the scope so the small incision turned out to be a big one! He was doing fantastic! It was great to hear! It was only an hour into surgery. About 1 1/2 hours later I saw Dr. Kaza coming. He had a smile on his face so I knew it must have went well. It wasn't as scary as the first time! He said it went perfect and they were moving him to the PICU right now. We were so happy and releved.
This is when they moved me up to the floors, I really like the drugs!
It was a long night in the PICU. They have no beds for parents so I slept in a rocking chair. If you call it sleep! Eric left around 7:00 p.m. that night. I stayed the whole time. He did have some strange tracing on his monitor. The PICU attending would come over and then it would go back! They nurse and I would just laugh because he thought we were crazy. We did find his magnesium levels were low so they gave him a few doses. Overall for the very tiring night, things went well. They did find the monitor was malfunctioning with the pacer, but his pacer did need to be adjusted. We went up to the surgical floor the next day which I knew would be nice because I would have a bed! They took out the chest tube and up we went! Cache and I just maily slept in the bed together which was nice because I got to cuddle him! I never get too so it was nice. You could tell he was not himself bacause he is a "monster" and runs around like crazy! He wouldn't take any medication that was liquid although we tried. So I had to have them change all the orders to tablets. Yes he can swallow pills, they were all so amazed by this. The next day they said to go home! I was scared and did not want to leave. I am so worried he is going to get hurt or get an infection, but they reassured me he would be fine.
So he seems to be doing great. He is finally eating and he even pooped! He will be happy to show you his wounds if you come over and will sign hurt. He knows that there is something in his belly and keeps feeling it. You can really see it, it is huge compared to the last one, which we got to keep! Don't ask me what I will do with it, but it is cool to see it. He walks like a little old man hunched over. I can tell he is still in pain but he is trying to keep up with everyone.
See my tummy!
We could not be happier and thankful that things went so great. I want to thank everyone who helped, called, and prayed for my little boy! It must have worked. He is such a cute little one that is stronger then anyone I know. We are forever grateful that God has blessed us with him and has given him so many chances at life. Thank you to all the doctors, nurses, ok I must say pharmacy peeps, and technology that helps keep my little guy going. I am happy to report I have not taken Xanax since Tuesday night. Although I will never give up coffee. Once again thank you!
Here are the my wounds, pretty gross, hu?
P.S. I know it is long but I never want to forget!
Posted by Melissa at 12:40 PM 7 comments
Friday, October 17, 2008
"How do I do it?"
This is the question that has been ask so many times this week! Many times at work! Here is my secret answer...
Coffee and Xanax!
No I am not strong! I depend on my favorite drug coffee and my newly added favorite drug Xanax! Without it I go insane!
Posted by Melissa at 8:12 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
It's Scheduled!
So we are set for Cache's surgery. He will be having it done on the 21st. The day after my birthday. I do not have a time yet but it will be in the morning. All I know is that we are the 2nd heart case for that day and they start at six. He has a few appointments before hand so we can get him prepared. We will be up at Primary's all day Monday getting all sorts of test done. I am sure this will be one of the most trying weeks of my life. I think at this point I am so sick worrying about it that I just want it over so we can get him better. I am scared out of my mind! They are going to have to crack his chest in able to get the leads for the defibrillator in. They say if everything goes well and "perfect" he will be in the hospital about 5 days. I expect the worst and hope for the best. I have learned that is a better way to handle things when a curve ball is thrown at you! I am sure I will be at the hospital by his side the whole time and will not leave till he is coming with me! Thank you to everyone for all your kind thoughts and prayers as it helps us get through this crazy hard time! I know God is telling me that things will work out and that this is for the best, but it is so hard to understand. I am sure he will be with Little Cachers the whole way!
Posted by Melissa at 9:25 AM 3 comments
Monday, October 13, 2008
My Birthday Present... Or Was It?
So Eric tried really hard to surprise me for my birthday! I can read him like a book! When he asked for me to make sure I had a weekend off I had my thoughts! Of course I was right! He did throw me for a loop when he told me New York and I kind of got mad! I didn't want to go to New York for the first time with only 2 days! Then he tried to be funny! Tease me! Well I told him do you want me to guess? Go ahead and try he told me. It took one quick search for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers schedule to see where they were playing. When I told him Denver he looked dumb founded. I told you!! I am smart! He could not believe I figured it out! Although I was very excited and I had never been to a Pro Football game, I think he was a little more excited! I love football but I haven't been able to follow it as much this year! Kind of a bummer! Well to say the least we had fun! It was are first time to Denver and I totally expected to be like Utah but it wasn't. It was a nice city despite the bums. They didn't bother you for money they were just there. Saturday I took a nap for about 2 hours as soon as we got there! I was so tired from all the stress and had not sleeped! It was nice. Then we hit the city, went to dinner, and ran into a Burlesque show. It was sooo funny! We had such a good time! We woke up the next day in full Tampa gear and hit the game! It was so cool to see the players that close! We had awesome seats. We were on the 12 yard line 6 rows up on the Tampa side. I saw all my favorites warming up out of there gear. I have to say they are huge and have the most fit bodies I have ever seen! Although we lost it was still fun and the Denver fans took it easy on us. They were very fun, nice, and respectful. We did however get a few glares when we got overly excited though! That night we bought some pizza took it back to the room ate, hung out, and just sleeped. Which can be nice without kids! Erics mom helped pay for the tickets for my birthday... So thanks mom! It was nice to get away!
Some freaky china doll in a "Denver" shop? Go figure they must have a large Asian community!
My honey and I at the show! Photography by ourselves!
The Burlesque Girls!
The "sexy" host and myself!
If front of that dang Denver Bronco Horse!
Getting to our seats... they were awesome!
Warm ups! Trueblood... he is huge!!!!!
Garcia... he must have know Griese was getting hurt!
The best defence in the league huddling!
Who's my favorite player Mr. Derk Brooks!- this is a song on a commercial for those who don't watch football!
The team huddle before kick off!
The owner! He is bigger in person! I always thought he was a short Irish dude! That is his wife and kids by him!
Posted by Melissa at 10:23 PM 3 comments
Things not to be forgotten...
So I have a few things I wanted to blog about but I have been sidetracked with everything. Now the tricky part is remembering everything...
Mason was Kinderbug a few weeks ago. Which was super fun! The teacher gives you a list of things you do each day so this is how is went down. Monday we took in a very cute poster of pictures of him and his family. With a list of a few of his favorite things which included, pizza, soccer, cheeseburgers, xbox, and of course his family. Mason always says to everyone "I love my family!" It makes me smile every time! Tuesday Mason was so sick and had to miss which was the day you bring your pet in. It was also Green day and he was so upset me missed. Wednesday was your favorite book. He took Fish Out of Water, a Dr. Seuss book. Thursday was bring your favorite treat or food so of course we got 2 cheese pizzas from Little Cesar's. Friday was tell something special about your family. So Cache came with us to school and we told them all about him being deaf and taught them a few sings. It was so much fun! Mason always asks if Dylann can come to class now! The other day Mason asked how babies get in the belly. I was caught of guard and really didn't know what to tell him. So I said God puts them there, and of course a follow up question "How?". It's magic! Mom there is no such thing as magic! That's where I changed the subject! I need to come with a better explanation!
York won his first soccer game today! He was so happy he called me at work to tell me! I wish I could have been there. His dad said he played awesome! One reason I hate my job! I am a total soccer mom! I love to watch yell and cheer! I can't help it! I have a passion for them game since I used to play!
Dylann is getting so funny with all her talking. She is so sassy! Where did she get that from? She now tells you no! I will be like ok time for night night and her hand will go up and say noooo! In a very sassy tone too! I love her! It is so much fun having a girl! She loves her dolls too now. She takes them every where and they are called "babies". She also says "so cute" like "so toot". When we took Cache to the doctor the other day she let him carry the boy twin and she got the girl twin. It was cute and yes I let my son play with dolls!
Cache besides the obvious now says and signs uh-oh. It is funny! I love it! I swear the other day he said his version of I love you while getting on his bus for school which sounds sort of like "ahhh-uuuuu" in a yelling tone. Still super cute and almost made me cry! Probably was just him yelling, but I can pretend! LOL!
I am sure there is a million things I should have posted but didn't so that is all I can remember!
Posted by Melissa at 9:39 PM 1 comments
Thursday, October 2, 2008
The One Thing That Could Make Me Cry
So it's been a long week! I mean long! My job sucks, Eric has put in crazy hours, I only got to workout once this week, oh my job sucks, I have got nothing accomplished this week, I am going to miss Yorks game tomorrow, and my job sucks!
But today everything has been put into perspective. All those things above seriously do not matter. Ok Yorks game does, but you get what I am saying. Today was the most trying day I have had in 3 years. Yes 3 seems to be the magic number. Let see... Cache is my 3rd child, he had his pacemaker placed on his 3rd day of life, and now he is 3 years old.
Cache went for his pacer check today and what I wanted to be a quick get this over turned into a all day event. I was stressed because I had to take all the kids by myself, and these doctor appointments are not easy ones. They have to do all sorts of tests and it is long. My kids were out of control and wanting to leave by the time the doctor got into the room. That's when I got the worst news I have had in 3 years. Cache has had an arrhythmia. It happened on July 1st. I remember this day clearly because Cache and I visited the hospital this day. Cache had came in from the backyard screaming and signing that his head hurt. It looked like he hit it but he always does so I got him a bottle to calm him. I took him down stairs and turned on the tv. Not but 5 minutes later York found Cache lying on the stairs looking like he was sick. So York picked him up and he vomited. My first reaction was that he had a concussion. So off we went. Apparently it was not a concussion. Today we found out Cache had an arrhythmia and is a very blessed boy to have had his heart start back in sinus. I was a little on the shocked side when she told me. I don't know if Cache had his meds that morning and if he did he probably just had it. Then came the big hard to swallow news. We need to place a defibrillator. So we are looking at a trip to Primary's ICU within the next week or so.
I knew this day would come. I would have to face another surgery. I just thought I had a few years. Although the surgery scares the crap out of me, that is not what frightens me the most. What scares me is the fact that he could have died. I could have lost him on July 1st, 2008. It is a thought that just sits in the back of my mind all the time, but I try to think logical. Here is my reality check! I am a mom with a child who has Pro Long QT and there is nothing you can do. You can't fix him or make him better. You just have to hope that you are the lucky one who gets to see there child grow-up to be that great man you know he will be. I see kids die everyday at work and I never want to be those parents. I can't imagine the pain they go through. Every time I hear about a child that dies, I never forget it. I always have this thought that it could have been me. All I can do is sit here and hope and pray that he will be ok. It is a horrible feeling! I wish there was something that could be done to just make it go away. To fix him. For now, I guess will go with the hoping and praying.
I know you most of you know the love a mother has with there child, and with each child it is different. I love all my kids for different reasons. Cache is the one I admire, the one I want to be like. Nothing stops that kid. He is determined, challenging, brave, smart, enduring, caring, and can turn a frown up side down by a look. He is an amazing child. I have learned so much from him. He is my life lessons and has taught me so much more then any text book could.
I love you Cache with all my heart and I will be there for you every step of your life. You will never ever be alone. I will fight right along side of you!
Posted by Melissa at 10:00 PM 5 comments
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
What Would You Do?
Mind you I do not like Cache's teacher! I try really hard but it is difficult! So there is a little note book that goes back and forth from home to school. We use this to write notes on anything we may need to communicate with one another. Well apparently she felt the need to let me know that my kid was whinny today! That's right, whinny. This was the exact statement. "Cache was really whinny today!" Wow a 3 year old was whinny? I always thought they were angels! So I want to write something really witty in the book back like... Wow a 3 year old was whinny! That is just crazy! Or maybe... sounds like your the one whining... Maybe you should have picked a different profession! Like seriously! When he woke up this morning I though maybe you will whinny at school, you should stay home! WHAT THE HELL posses you to tell a parent this? Even if you were thinking it! So what would you do?
Posted by Melissa at 7:44 PM 1 comments
Saturday, September 27, 2008
6 Crazy Quirks...
Tagged from Luara-Ann.....
Definition of quirk:
n.1. A peculiarity of behavior; an idiosyncrasy: "Every man had his own quirks and twists" Harriet Beecher Stowe.
2. An unpredictable or unaccountable act or event; a vagary: a quirk of fate.
Rules: Link the Person who Tagged you. Mention rules on your blog. Tell about 6 quirks of yours. Tag 6 fellow bloggers to do the same.Leave a comment to let them know.
I don't have 6 friends but I will try!!!!
1. I have to have coffee in the morning or I am worthless all day!
2. I like clean. Clean everything. Now I don't always accomplish clean because I have 4 kids but if I didn't my house would be spotless and I would be the most organized person in the world!
3. My laundry! Sorry Lisa and Chelby! I am forever grateful and don't feel you have to stop! I am just weird about it when I do it! I don't know what you do so it doesn't bother me! I must have it folded right and it must be folded as soon as the drier ends. If I am not home I restart it and then fold when done! I have to put the right things (soaps, etc.) in the right loads depending on color. I have to have the right setting for example... towels and blankets are always put on sanitize. I am a freak I know! This also goes for dishes! There must be nothing on a dish when put in the dishwasher. I must have things put in the spot where I like them! I use the dishwasher as a sanitizer not a cleaner!
4. I strive for perfection! I don't always succeed (at all) but I try! I want to be the best at everything and when I am not it bugs me!
5. When I DO get ready, I have to do it in order or I would forget to put on my deodorant or wash the shampoo out of my hair. I am with you on this Luara-Ann! I totally do the same thing!
6. Sleep! I must have it! I am, forgive me for saying, a bitch when I don't get it! I love to sleep in and it drives me crazy when I let Eric sleep in and he gets up at 9:00. That is not sleeping in! 10:00, 11:00 that is sleeping in! He waisted a perfect sleeping in day! I am a Lindsay, what can I say!
I tag,
Arg I don't have 6 friends... Lisa- don't complain just do it, Chelby- if she would ever blog, Julie- if you just so happen to read this, Kelly- I know you never read my blog, Jennica- she may pass by, Katie- it is her husband that blogs so this won't happen. K, I found 6 barly!
Hope you have fun doing this.........
Posted by Melissa at 11:32 AM 2 comments
Monday, September 22, 2008
Mom by Day, Striper by Night
It's a rough life you know... being a striper at night. The house calls and the men, arg, it is a killer! Are you wondering what the hell I am talking about yet? Well get ready to laugh your ass off cause this is a good one!
The mood: Saturday night quite, chilly ,not much going on, it's a great movie night.
Lisa decides to come over for a movie.(Lisa is my sister-in-law and neighbor.) Well she also brought a big bag of cloths that was our nieces. We were going to give them to another friend and neighbor Chelby for her daughters. We decide to go through the bag for fun. We were bord. Let me tell ya the first thing that I pulled out that caught my eye... a red shiny "American Idol" short skirt that was hot! We laugh and throw it in the pile. What? Another thing that catches my eye? Knit stockings! Sweet! I am sure this is what the girls have always wanted! Finally the last thing that really grabbed me a black lacy top with velvet! Oh what a number! It was screaming my name! I had to wear it all together! All I have to say is WOW! I look hot! Like a striper! 2nd South and State here I come!
We took a venture to Chelby's house, you know, to show her the cloths we had in store for her girls! She really did appreciate it! She Always wanted the stripper life for them, and now they had the outfit!
Side note- Chelby would never even let her kids so much as try on this number!
Then it hit us, an adventure! Let's go see Jennica, she will find it funny. So off we went. As we are driving through the neighborhood we see Natalie is having a a party at her house. Well actually it is her husband Ben and it is guys night! Yes this gets good!
Phone call to Natalie... we are going to play a little joke on the boys! She is all game for it! FYI... I know none of these men but I do know most of there wives! And they are all very good boys and hold Temple Recommends. For my readers who don't know what that means... they are the cream of the crop Mormons. They follow all the rules and would never even think about stripers!
Melissa Walks to the door... knock knock!
Natalie answers, I am going to get Ben.
Ben opens door...
Melissa: Yeah I got a page to be here?
Melissa: Really?
Ben: No I am sorry, I am so sorry NO!
Melissa and Natalie: Laugh!
Natalie: Ben it is my friend!
Ben: Oh thank you! Very relived! Hey please come down stairs I would love to do this to my buddies!
Melissa takes deep breath... believe it or not I was REALLY nervous.
We all walk to the top of the stairs.
Ben opens the door and says...
Ben: Who ordered the striper? I am trying not to laugh at all there faces! There jaws were dropped to the floor in amazement!
Natalie picking on a poor boy says Joel was this you!
Poor Joel just shakes his head.
Ben: I wanna know who did this!
Then it came out we could not keep it straight any more.
That my friends was classic! I will never forget those poor men's faces! I am so sorry you were the butt of the joke, but it was great!
I needed a drink and Jennica was not home yet. So off to the gas station. I contemplated just having one of the girls get it, then I thought, no this will be fun! I walk in and the 3 people that were in there just stared at me! Mind you I am in a mini van! I grab a bottle water and go pay. I finally just start laughing because I could feel the eyes staring at me in the back of my head! It was awesome!
Next we are off to Jennica's. She knows something is up we called her to see if she was home. Her husband just looked at me like I was crazy! He knew who I was! He grew up with my brother, so he was really no fun! He just said please don't get arrested! Words you should not take lightly!
Last but not least Julie and her poor hubby Trent. Trent is a seminary teacher and probably the nicest guy! We get there and knock but no answer. I was really nervous because they have teenagers! So we think about what to do. Then a cop drives by! OH shit, I am going to jail! Then I see Trent walk by! It is now or never, so I knock!
Trent: Hello.
Melissa: Yeah I got a page to be here?
Trent: Really? He is sooo confused.
Melissa: Yeah
Trent: Well would you like to come in, you look cold!
Julie: HI, nice outfit Melissa. Trent this is Melissa Lisa's sister-in-law.
Trent: OH!
Everyone starts laughing!
Now I actually feel bad for Trent. He did not think twice about me and that I may have been a call girl. He is this good! I really feel bad! I am sooo sorry Trent! As Julie put it... he was probably going to give you a blessing! I probably need one after that! Julie you have a good man! I am sorry Trent! Lisa put me up to it!
Overall it was funny and we had a blast being dumb! I will never ever forget the look on all the men's faces that were at Natalie's. I just keep laughing! Thank you for letting us have a good time at your expense!
Posted by Melissa at 12:32 PM 6 comments
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Happy Birthday Dylann... My Dilly Bugs!
Yup my baby girl is officially 2! I can't believe it. I remember the day we had her like it was yesterday. I knew she would be in the hospital a few day with all of our heart issues. I remember just looking at her and thinking how beautiful she was. Her dark hair with curls, and gorgeous skin. The day after I had her Eric left for Utah with the kids and I stayed in Vegas waiting to take her home. It was a long few days. Eric was supposed to come back that weekend to get us. When I finally got to take her home I was alone and came home to an empty house. I was so lonely so I decided the next morning I was going to pack us up and drive to Utah alone! Which I did! I bought 3 new CD's for the ride hoping I could keep her occupied with my singing! HA HA! I bought the Cars soundtrack, Carrie Underwood, and I can't remember the other one. Must not have listened to it long! She did great on the ride to our new life in Utah.
Dylann has grown so much. She walks, runs, and keeps up with those brothers anyway she can! She loves to play with older girls and Sassy Cassy is her favorite! They share the same curly hair and birthday! Dylann sings her ABC's and tries to sign them as she goes. She is starting to talk a lot and uses signs. She will now talk to her Daddy on the phone and tell him Hi and I love you, bye! She can yell all her brothers names and trust me they come running when she does! It usually goes like this... York where are you? She loves to give kisses to everyone that is around before going to bed and will not miss a brother. Even if they are not here she yells for them. Her and Cache are best buddies, they play, fight, and console one another when they are in trouble. It is the cutest thing ever! She has her tantrums of course and most of the time we laugh because she will go running in a different room close the door and scream and cry. Other times, the not so cute ones, she runs up to me and just takes a bite! Yeah that one is supper fun! She is a beautiful little girl and I am so grateful God has given her to us. She was such a surprise but the best one at that. She really completes our family and I could never imagine not having her. We love you so much thank you for completing our family!
Happy Birthday Dilly Bugs!
Posted by Melissa at 10:03 AM 2 comments
Thursday, September 4, 2008
My Metro Sexual Kindergartner
Yes my little kindergartner is a Metor Sexual 5 year old, but a very cute one at that! He is so handsome! He had his first day of kindergarten, and of course loved it. He has a great teach Ms. Keith! He made her a cute little card and we got her some Diet Coke and candy bars. (I was told she liked them!) So as he was getting ready he had to have some smell good stuff on. "You know the stuff that makes girls like you!" Yes he means perfume! He loves Axe spray and I have to say it smells good. My husband gave him a hug and then comes up and whispers to me does he have on Axe, yes! He is a silly boy, and did I mention HANDSOME! He is so excited for school. He loves it. I think he wins cutest kid in class award! REALLY!
Posted by Melissa at 11:13 PM 2 comments
Cache's Story
Cache is an amazing child! I call him our life savor and hero. I can not begin to describe how much this child has and will endure in his life time. Cache was born at 37 weeks, 7 pounds 14 ounces, 19.5 inches long, and came out fighting.
We were living in Las Vegas at the time and I was about 32 weeks along. It was time for my appointment. I was excited another ultra sound to see the little guy. I was being monitored for my pre-term labor. There it was the heart rate, the thing you can’t wait to hear, and the reassuring drumming dance that comes out of your belly. You would think that this would be a happy moment, but the look on my doctor’s face said other wise. His heart is not fast enough. He is only at 90 beats and should be about 120. I am so sorry, but I have to send you to Labor and Delivery. What? How could this happen? I am not one to freak out, so off we went. Then the chaos happened. I was suddenly getting prepped for an emergency c-section. Heart block is what they were saying. Frantically we were trying to find babysitters and help. Flying grandma in from Utah, she could be here first thing in the morning. Then my doctor came in, it’s ok we are not going to take the baby. But they said, no, something is not right, but he looks ok. His ultrasound is great and if you were to show any doctor the heart strip and the ultrasound they would not think it was the same baby. Humm… special case, I am always the “special case”.
I was followed by so many doctors and so many tests. There were OB’s, neonatalologist, and pediatric cardiologist. It was a long 5 weeks. An amniocentesis was completed and the lungs showed mature. It was a wonderful 5 hours of labor total from start to finish. He looks great, but we are going to take him for tests. Not but 12 hours later he was being transferred to Sunrise Pediatric Hospital, and I was being discharged. When we got there we were greeted by the Pediatric Cardiologist, Dr. Acherman. He began to explain that Cache had a heart problem called Pro Long QT and bradycardia. He needed to be put on medication for the Pro Long QT but with the bradycardia there was no way because his heart rate would crash. He needed to place a pace maker in the morning. WOW! What a blow. What was supposed to be the happiest day turned out to be the scariest?
The surgery felt like forever. We were they only ones sitting in the waiting room because it was a Saturday morning. When all of a sudden 3 doctors came walking in. I think my heart sunk. Why 3? What happened? Then the surgeon spoke it went great. I think at that moment I was so overwhelmed with happiness that I wanted to just leap at him and give him a big hug. I could see he saw this on my face and just gave me the biggest smile and grabbed my hand. He is fine he said, still sleeping but fine! It was a long 3 weeks of recovery. A few set backs, his heart rejected the pacemaker and another surgery was performed to relive the fluid that was building up.
The day I took him home was the happiest day of my life. He wore the cutest preemie frog outfit that was so big on him from losing so much weight. My little guy came home.
We later found that this genetic syndrome was in my family, Cache’s uncle and cousins and sister all have it. He saved there life. By enduring so many challenges at the first of his life saved many others. A hero! Another side affect from one of the stands Cache has is hearing loss. Cache is also profoundly deaf. He has not once let these little challenges slow him down. He is not sturdy on his feet but he will keep up with you!
He is truly an amazing child that inspires me everyday. Just speaking of him can bring me to tears. I love him so much and that is why I have such a passion to inform others. I would never want to lose a child to such a fixable syndrome. Education is key and could save lives. Please visit to find out more on Pro Long QT.
Posted by Melissa at 11:04 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
It's SADS Awareness Month!- Please Read This Post!
So as most know my family and children have been blessed with a genetic heart condition called Pro Long QT Syndrome. Well September is Sudden Arrhythmia Death Syndrome (SADS) Awareness month. This is a very common undiagnosed syndrome that is also known as "The Silent Killer". So here it is! This is something near and dear to my heart and I would love to get the word out to as many people as I can! So if you love me you will copy this post and re-post on your blog with your own little ditty and ask all your friends to do the same thing! I know it sounds silly and lame but we do this with chain crap all the time, but this time it could save someones life!
So please help me for my cause! Thank you and I love you!
Here are some eye grabbing facts to help you along...
• Each year in the United States, 400,000 Americans die suddenly and
unexpectedly due to cardiac arrhythmia's. 3,976 of them are young
people under age 35
• Long QT Syndrome (LQTS) is 3 times more common than childhood
leukemia (ALL) in the US and occurs 1/3 as often as cystic fibrosis and
twice as often as PKU (an infant protein deficiency which causes
mental retardation)
• SADS occur in about 240 people per 100,000, with 20 having LQTS,
20 having ARVD and 200 with HCM
• 1 in 200,000 high school athletes in the US will die suddenly, most
without any prior symptoms
Hundreds of children and young adults die each year in the United States due to Long QT Syndrome.
Any young person who has experienced unexplained fainting should be tested.
It is extremely important that all family members be tested for these conditions once one family member is identified as having the condition.
SADS’ Mission: To save the lives and support the families of children & young adults who are genetically predisposed to sudden death due to heart rhythm abnormalities.
Long QT Syndrome
What is Long QT Syndrome (LQTS)?
1. LQTS is a disturbance of the heart's electrical system, causing an abnormality of the heartbeat, or rhythm of the heart.
2. Because of this abnormality, affected people are vulnerable to sudden fainting (syncope) and even death.
3. Unfortunately, many times the cause of the syncope is overlooked and the events are called simple fainting spells or seizures.
4. Most often, these events occur during physical exertion or emotional stress. In some they occur during sleep.
5. Fortunately, most of these deaths are preventable if the condition is recognized and treated.
What are the Symptoms?
♥ Fainting episodes (syncope) during or immediately after physical activity
♥ Fainting as a result of emotional excitement/distress/startle
♥ Family history of unexplained death below age 40
How is it Diagnosed?
The diagnosis is made from an ECG that has been read by a cardiologist, not a computer. Usually a series of ECGs will enable your doctor to diagnose LQTS. In some cases, an exercise ECG or event monitor will clarify the diagnosis. Finally,a diagnostic genetic test is now available and is extremely useful for diagnosis and treatment.
How Is It Treated?
Treatment is very effective in the vast majority of patients. Medications called beta-blockers are effective in about 90% of patients. In the remaining cases, a pacemaker or automatic defibrillator is used.
A child should be seen by a doctor if she/he has:
• Family history of unexpected, unexplained sudden death in a young person
• Fainting (syncope) or seizure during exercise, excitement or startle
• Consistent or unusual chest pain and/or shortness of breath during exercise
Thank you to all who repost!
For more information contact...
Sudden Arrhythmia Death Syndrome (SADS) Foundation
508 East South Temple Suite 20
Salt Lake City, UT 84102
800-STOP SAD or 801-531-0937
Fax: 801-531-0945
Posted by Melissa at 10:11 PM 3 comments
Bribery... It may work!
So this is something I never want to forget! Yesterday Mason and Dylann were playing. Mason asked Dylann to come help him. Dylann of course just sat there. So Mason says "Dylann come help me and I will give you a hug!" How cute is that! She didn't come help but he still did give her a hug. And when he did she wrapped her little arms and legs around him like a tree trunk! I love when my kids show they love one another. I always want them to be close and best friends.
Posted by Melissa at 10:32 AM 1 comments
Cache's First Day of School!
So I am late posting! I have been busy and working! I have 780 pictures to go through from our trip... so 1 day you might see those! But first... Cache! He was so excited the second the bus got here! He knew right where he was going! He has a love for school like Mason. I love it! I could not imagine struggling and making him get on that bus! His "awesome teacher" (I am being sarcastic, I am not a fan of her, and I don't know how the year is going to go!) said he did good. Which I guess is a compliment coming from her. He took in treats the other day and was so excited to give them to his teacher! He is so cute. I hope this year we see some progress, but if not, then he will take his own little path. Which either way I will be so happy and proud of him!
York is back in school! I am a bad mom and forgot to get up an take some pics! We had just gotten back from our trip late the night before! He likes his school and his classes. York has a great group of friends he hangs out with. I am pretty happy he has found some good ones!
Posted by Melissa at 10:21 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
I think I am cool because I wear my girlfriends pants!
Yes we have official surpassed the eights in the ugliest cloths era! Boys wearing the ugliest tight pants ever. I have yet to see someone that actually looks good in these. How this became fashion my friends I just don't know? Quick story before I go into the point of the post... I boy about 15 came into the hospital with a testicular infection. Why you might ask? Well he was squeezing those little guys a little too tight in those pants! He could barley sit and they were swollen to a size you could not imagine. Not that I saw them, I just heard from the mother! Let that be a lesson boys... don't wear your girlfriends pants! Anyway... so yes my son is no exception to this new fashion fad. He likes them and wants them. But I and his father are holding firm on this one, no girl pants! So as you can imagine school shopping was going to be an adventure. I had a mission to help York fix this fashion foo pah he was in. I was determined to get him to like something other then "skate" clothes. He is getting older and I want the chicks to dig him. Tight pants would not be the kind of girl I want for my son! Here is how shopping went... Yes this is a long post but I needed to inform!
Walk in and take a few things back to Sears. Go to Aeropostal and exchange pants. He is tall and skinny and I am ok with pants that "fit" but it was really hard to find. Score we had this cute little gay boy find us some. Next do you want anything else. Hum and ha, no, ok what about these shorts. Yeah there ok. I grab them, you need a shirt to match, how about this one. (it was a polo) NO! OK I settle for a brown t-shirt.
As you see it looks super cute. FYI these pics where taken fast late and he needs a hair cut!
Next Pac Sun. They have a ton of backpacks. Of course I think he looked at them all and found the most hideous one and picked it. HELL NO! That is so fugly! (if you need to know what fugly is ask me in person!) Of course pouts like a 13 year old boy does. No they never stop pouting so get ready! Do you want anything else in here? NO! SASSY!
Zummies, the store I dread. I want skate pants. NO, this is not up for discussion. You are not getting them. POUT. How about this backpack. It is white try again. FINE! Dad calls... a few choice words were said and a smile pops back up on Yorks face. Finds a backpack and it looks cool. I like it. Sales boy begs me to let him try on some pants. Fine go ahead. All tight girly and of course fugly! I find a pair that may work. Yes they looks cute. Volcom, he is thrilled. Found cute Reef sandals. Other sales boy says this shirt is "Sick". I like it, sure. This one is the "sickest"! and I quote "That shirt makes me sick, NO!" Finds a jacket that is cute. We find some shoes there a little later but I did not want to go over that.
The new backpack
The pants and shoes (yes one of them is not laced up, ran out of time)
The shirt and flipflops
We are now off to Buckel where I spent too much money! The little sales boy there was great and helped me a ton. I got York to try on a button up shirt with a whole outfit and he liked it. I even made this young girl shopping come check him out and of course thought it looked cute! It was super cute! It was the cutest Guess jeans and shirt I had ever seen! The pic does not give it justice. I find so many things there that I am just tossing them over the door to try on. We find a ton and he looked soooo cute. I am very proud of myself and him for being such a sport!
It was a rough go at first but we ended up having so much fun! It is kind of fun having a teen around! SOMETIMES! Also do you notice anything different about York? It is kind of hard to see with these bad pics but he got braces. He is happy because he will have them off before high school.
Posted by Melissa at 8:20 AM 6 comments